High School Education

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High School resources are designed for advanced learning, providing comprehensive and in-depth materials suitable for older students. This section includes detailed scientific explanations of eclipses, their historical significance, and their representation in art and literature. It encourages analytical thinking and independent research, with resources like complex experiments, detailed case studies, and opportunities for creative expression and debate. These materials are aimed at preparing students for higher-level thinking and post-secondary education topics.

Missouri Botanical Garden

This lesson plan for grades 9-12 offers an in-depth study of eclipses and their impact on insect behavior, integrating biology, physics, and environmental science. It starts with an initial discussion about eclipses, followed by detailed explanations of solar and lunar eclipses using visual aids. Students engage in extensive research, examining past studies on animal behavior during eclipses and developing a detailed research plan. The plan emphasizes clear research objectives, hypotheses, and methodologies, with activities including pre-eclipse observations, data collection during the eclipse, and post-eclipse analysis. The lesson concludes with data analysis, peer review, and reflections on the interdisciplinary nature of studying celestial events.

Missouri History Museum

High school students are invited to a creative session where history meets literature. They will analyze a scientific report from 1889, observing how eclipses were documented by scholars of the past. With this inspiration, they then engage in a creative exercise, starting with a caption contest using historical eclipse images. The task escalates to a challenge of brevity and wit: composing a 10-word story based on a detailed observation of a historic image, stimulating their critical thinking and narrative skills.

Rockwood School District

The upcoming total solar eclipse offers a unique opportunity for high school students to connect classroom learning to a real-world phenomenon, deepening their understanding of Earth's place in the Universe and applying scientific practices.

Key Experiences:

  • Directly observe the effects of celestial mechanics: See firsthand how the Moon's orbit and size perfectly align to completely block the Sun, demonstrating Kepler's Laws in action.

  • Apply and interpret data: Use astronomical data and calculations to predict the eclipse path and duration in their location, reinforcing mathematical thinking and data analysis skills.

  • Witness a spectacular display of natural phenomena: Observe the dramatic changes in light and temperature, the appearance of the corona, and the behavior of animals.

  • Engage in interdisciplinary exploration: Integrate knowledge from physics, astronomy, biology, and even history to understand the scientific and cultural significance of eclipses.

St. Louis Public Library

The "Eclipse Reads" collection from the St. Louis Public Library caters to middle school and high school students with a range of sophisticated materials. These books delve into the complex aspects of solar eclipses, combining scientific depth with cultural and historical perspectives. They are perfect for students looking to explore eclipses in a comprehensive and intellectually challenging manner.

Our Goal

Inspire. Educate. Connect.

The Missouri Eclipse Task Force is a Missouri state-wide collaboration working together to promote the 2023 and 2024 Solar Eclipses. Treasury functions for the Task Force are handled by the Astronomical Association of Southeast Missouri, a 501(c)3.

Task Force